Geschichte Osteuropas und Südosteuropas




Biography and Publications


Since 2016 researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Since 2015 fellow at the International Academy of Nuremberg Principles.

01.04.2013: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality", Karl Jaspers Centre for Transcultural Studies, PhD candidate

10.2007-10.2011: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (DAAD/OSI scholarship)

09.2002-01.2008: Institute for International Relations Kyiv National Taras Schevtshenko University, Ukraine

01.2008 Graduate Degree in International Information with honours

06.2006 Bachelor’s Degree in International Information with honours

Selected publications

Valentyna Polunina, Lubov Pogromskaya “Holocaust, Auschwitz und die Vergangenheitspolitik der UdSSR”, in Form, von Lingen, Ruchniewicz (eds.), Narrative im Dialog. Deutsch-polnische Erinnerungsdiskurse, Neisse Verlag, Dresden, 2013, pp. 383-396.

“Soviet War Crimes Policy in the Far East: The Bacteriological Warfare Trial at Khabarovsk, 1949”, in Morten Bergsmo (eds.), Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 1, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2014, pp. 539-562.

“The Khabarovsk Trial: The Soviet Riposte to the Tokyo Tribunal”, in Sellars (ed.), Trials for International Crimes in Asia, Cambridge UP, 2015, pp. 121-145.

“From Tokyo to Khabarovsk – Soviet War Crimes Trials in Asia as Cold War Battlefields”, in Von Lingen (ed.), Rethinking Justice? Decolonization, Cold War, and Asian War Crimes Trials after 1945, forthcoming.

“Ukraine (Donbas)”, in Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (ed.), Conflict Barometer 2014, No. 23, Heidelberg, 2015, pp.

“Ukraine (Right-wing militants)”, in Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (ed.), Conflict Barometer 2014, No. 23, Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 45-46.

Valentyna Polunina, “Between Interests and Values. Ukraine’s Contingent Acceptance of International Criminal Justice”, in International Academy of Nuremberg Principles (ed.), Part one: Exploring legal, social and political dimensions of the acceptance of international criminal justice, Nuremberg, 2016,

Valentyna Polunina, Andreas Umland, “ Почему Украина должна, наконец, стать членом Международного уголовного суда“, in Dzerkalo Tyzhnya, 2016,

Valentyna Polunina, Andreas Umland, “If Ukraine Wants the ICC’s Help, It Must Play by the ICC's Rules”, in The National Interest, 2016,

Valentyna Polunina, “The Soviets at Tokyo: International Justice at the Dawn of the Cold War”, in Von Lingen (ed.), Centering the Margins: The Tokyo Tribunal in Transcultural Perspective, forthcoming.

