Dr. Natalia Sinkevych (LMU), The invention of tradition: Kyiv church metropolia searching for its own way in the 17th-18th centuries
Oberseminar zur Geschichte Russlands und Ostmitteleuropas in der Vormoderne
28.07.2022 14:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Abraham van Westerveld, Ruine von St. Sophia in Kiew, Stich, Mitte des
17. Jahrhunderts
In this paper, the introductive part to my book “The invention of tradition: Kyiv church metropolia searching for its own way in the 17th-18th centuries” is going to be presented. The main purpose of the book is to examine the intellectual strategies that were used by Kyiv to react to the external political, theological and intellectual influences. The introductive part is going to shed light on the main circumstances and challenges Kyiv Church intellectuals were faced with during the 17th-18th centuries.
An dieser Sitzung wird auch Kilian Harrer (LMU) seinen Text “Troubled Feast, Contested Fast. The Uniate Dilemma and the Rural Economy in Eighteenth-Century Poland-Lithuania” vorstellen.
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Anmeldung bei Leonie Zinth L.Zinth@campus.lmu.de