Ivan Almes (Lviv)
Communicating with the Periphery: Apostolic See and Kyivan Uniate Hierarchy before Zamośc Council (1715–1720)
27.04.2023 14:15 Uhr – 15:45 Uhr
Oberseminar der Professur für Geschichte Russlands und Ostmitteleuropas in der Vormoderne
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After the Tridentine council Apostolic See centralized or unificated church life in all possible ways all over its parts. Such a kind of standardization obviously concerned the Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate founded in 1596 after Brest Union council. But only more than 120 years later another one «council» in Zamosc made the unification of Kyivan Uniate Church in Roman or Tridentine style. In 1720 Zamosc council (for Ruthenians church elite) and synod (for Roman Curia) summarized or codified church life of Eastern Catholics of this part. Such kind post-Tridentine synods confirm not only the fact of Roman centrality but that diversity was also tolerated by Apostolic See. The lecture will present research on letters from Pontifical archives 1715–1720 between papal clerics and, Ruthenians metropolitan, and bishops. Documents reconstruct in detail the history of communicating of center with the periphery – Rome and Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate. The presentation concentrates on the questions: for what reasons Apostolic nuncio heads the synod but did not Kyivan metropolitan?; who, after all, prepared the council: the Ruthenian church elite or papal officials?