Promotionen betreut durch Prof. Dr. Andreas Renner
Name, Vorname | Projekt |
Andryushchenko, Irina | History of Cancer in the Soviet Union since the 1950s |
Beykhanov, Rafi | Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity Under Soviet Rule, 1920-1991 |
Henze, Helene | Homines sovietici? Die Deutschen und andere nationale Minderheiten in der Sowjetunion nach 1956. |
Lisitsyna, Elena | The role of medicine in the Russian naval expeditions between 1764 and 1829 |
Mitrofanov, Ruslan | The Institutionalization of Psychiatry in the Russian Empire: the Case of the Kazan District Hospital as a Transnational Study |
Mohr, Timo | Thawing Arctic, freezing relations? The Impact of the Ukraine War on Energy Dynamics between Japan and Russia with Regional Dialogue via the Northern Sea Route |
Okhotnikova, Olga | The “Old” Disabled in the “New” State: Interaction of the Russian Disabled of World War I in 1917-1918 with State Aid Institutions |
Schellong, Jasmin | tba |
Sharafeeva, Almira | The Concept of 'Women's Health' in Early Soviet Biopolitics |
Abgeschlossene Dissertationsprojekte
- Dr. Holzberger, Helena: Fotografie & Russlands Orient. Koloniale und lokale Bilderwelten an der zentralasiatischen Peripherie im Diskurs der Moderne (1870-1941) (Arbeitstitel). Verteidigt am 02.11.2020.