Geschichte Osteuropas und Südosteuropas




Promotionen betreut durch Prof. Dr. Andreas Renner

Name, Vorname Projekt
Andryushchenko, Irina

History of Cancer in the Soviet Union since the 1950s

Beykhanov, Rafi

Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity Under Soviet Rule, 1920-1991

Henze, Helene

Homines sovietici? Die Deutschen und andere nationale Minderheiten in der Sowjetunion nach 1956.

Lisitsyna, Elena

The role of medicine in the Russian naval expeditions between 1764 and 1829

Mitrofanov, Ruslan

The Institutionalization of Psychiatry in the Russian Empire: the Case of the Kazan District Hospital as a Transnational Study

Mohr, Timo

Thawing Arctic, freezing relations? The Impact of the Ukraine War on Energy Dynamics between Japan and Russia with Regional Dialogue via the Northern Sea Route

Okhotnikova, Olga

The “Old” Disabled in the “New” State: Interaction of the Russian Disabled of World War I in 1917-1918 with State Aid Institutions

Schellong, Jasmin


Sharafeeva, Almira

The Concept of 'Women's Health' in Early Soviet Biopolitics

Abgeschlossene Dissertationsprojekte

  • Dr. Holzberger, Helena: Fotografie & Russlands Orient. Koloniale und lokale Bilderwelten an der zentralasiatischen Peripherie im Diskurs der Moderne (1870-1941) (Arbeitstitel). Verteidigt am 02.11.2020.